Monday 18 May 2015

Silence and Smile

Silence helps to avoid the problems and smile helps to solve the problems.
A number of problems are always on the way, a simple approach of silence is a powerful tool to filter many of them. However, many of these problems cannot be avoided with the simple policy of silence then choose a smile to solve the problems.
Point: problems are the part of life, a combination of silence and smile can make the problems powerless.

Monday 11 May 2015

Value of Stress

The importance of things changes with the passage of time. Some things have too much value today but become valueless tomorrow. Then what is the need to worry about a thing which lost its worth over time.

Overtime, human learning improves, exposure increases and maturity develops and, therefore, we give different values to the past things.

Sometimes, a problem has high value when a person considers that problem specific to him, however, once he learns that this is a common problem then the value of problem fades away.

Point: Many things which we worry about are not actually worth worrying.

Friday 10 April 2015

Actual vs. Perceived Stress: A dilemma of Sensitive People

Actual vs. Perceived Stress: A dilemma of Sensitive People

There are two types of stress: first is actual stress in the present moments for instance some failure, financial issues or health issue and so on.

Second is likely to occur in future that is perceived well in time by sensitive people since they have a good ability to perceive future prospects in advance.

Where a high level of sensitivity is helpful in resolving complex matters, it also becomes itself a problem.

For instance, a sensitive person perceives a likely problem 6 months in advance. This person will begin to take the stress of problem from today. The accumulated stress in advance may add up to let say -500 pressure on brain.

Now we assume that the actual problem will also cause -500 stress on brain. Then the sensitive person, in reality, has taken double load of the problem (-1000). On the other hand, the person who does not take stress in advance will only suffer from -500 stress.

It is also possible that in reality problem may not occur and in this case the stress cost will be zero for the person who did not begin to accumulate stress in advance.

Point: Do not take stress in advance, let the things go naturally.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Credit vs. Blame

When a student gets A grade the most likely response is ‘I got A’ and when the student gets ‘F’ then the likely response is ‘teacher failed me’.

Thursday 1 May 2014

The winning margin

The winning margin

While I was marking exam scripts for time series econometric, I realized that two of these scripts were closely competing in each part of the different questions. Consequently, the highest score in midterm exam was 34.5 out of 40 while the second highest was 34. 

Since the winning margin was just 0.5 mark. I carefully re-examined the scripts but results remained unchanged. The student with 34 marks was not satisfied with marking and requested me to re-mark some questions. I asked why you are so upset for just “0.5 mark”, you can easily manage it in the final exam. The student replied softly ‘Sir when it comes to competition and ‘to win’ then the difference of 0.5 matters a lot.

Seeking excellence and perfection is a good thing. The meanings of these two words are broadly similar. However, struggling for excellence means seeking progress and to struggle for perfection is neurotic.

Successful people are not many times smarter than those of who fail. They may be better by a fraction. For example, winning horse is faster by fraction and sometimes the horse wins the race by nose distance. However, rewards for the winner are much higher than the winning difference.

Point: Little difference matters a lot.